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Författare Ämne: Project Reality poängräkning  (läst 2569 gånger)

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  • Very Old Bucket
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Project Reality poängräkning
« skrivet: 2007-04-21, 18:49:24 »
Eftersom PR:s poängräkning varit ett mysterium för mig så nosade jag runt på PR:s hemsida och hittade följande system:

From Project Reality Wiki

You might be wondering how we managed to calculate the corresponding point values. The concept is rather simple. The target’s rating is a derivation of a target’s designated threat priority (listed below), and a calculated worth value, (which is calculated based on kills, deaths, and overall score, as compared to an average player in the game).

Simply put, the lower the threat rating of an attacker, and the higher the threat rating of the attacked, then the higher the kill bonus will be.

The current threat hierarchy has been presented below (in descending order, starting from the greatest threat):

   1. Fixed-wing aircraft
   2. Armored vehicles
   3. Helicopters
   4. Commanders
   5. Squad Leaders
   6. Transport vehicles
   7. Snipers
   8. Air defense installations
   9. Artillery pieces
  10. Ground defense installations
  11. Parachutists (Airborne units)
  12. Typical soldiers

The scores for each ascending threat are cumulative, as they build upon the point value of the previous.

However, the new point system is not only limited to the ‘Threat and Worth’ procedures. Below is a list of additional point system modifications:

    * Destruction by the use of a remote controlled weapon. 12 points
    * Killing another player. 4 points
    * Reviving another player. 4 points
    * Receiving a driver kill assist. 2 points
    * A kill assist where you target the victim. 2 points
    * A typical kill assist. 2 points
    * A kill assist when you are in the passenger seat. 1 point
    * Team vehicle damage. -1 point
    * A team-kill by artillery. -1 point
    * Team damage. -2 points
    * A suicide. -2 points
    * A team-kill. -8 points

- Healing, ammo distribution and repair points will still yield points.

- If you are in the vicinity of either your commander or squad leader, you will receive a 25% additional point bonus, and if you are in the vicinity of both, you will receive a 50% point bonus!

- Commanders cannot score from ordinary soldier activities, but rather through commander-exclusive tasks. However, the rewards for these tasks are great.

- At the end of the round, players will be rewarded based upon their survival rating. The more enemies that were killed, and the less deaths you sustain, the higher your bonus. Victim bonuses vary according to the mode in which they died.

- Team-killing an objective in the ‘Extraction’ or ‘Objective’ game modes will result in a -25 point penalty.

- Flag capture values have been modified, and are displayed below:

    * Flag Capture 16 Points
    * Neutralize Flag 8 Points
    * Flag Capture Assist 8 Points
    * Neutralize Assist 4 Points
    * Flag Defense 8 Points

- When a teammate scores a point, you will receive 25% of its point value.

- When a squad member scores a point, you will receive an additional 25% of its point value (50% total).

- Penalties, however, are not shared to teammates.

- Snipers receive bonuses based on the distance that the kill was made, with the specifics listed below:

    * 50m = 50%
    * 100m = 100%
    * 150m = 150%
    * 200m = 200%
    * 250m = 250%

Note – Bonuses will continue to stack by 50% for every additional 50 meters added to the kill range.

Kort sagt - vill man ha mycket poäng ska vi hålla ihop i gruppen nära gruppchefen och ta / försvara så mycket flaggor  som möjligt. Dessutom ge oss på svåra mål som stridsvagnar mm.

Utloggad Enos Pork

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SV: Project Reality poängräkning
« Svar #1 skrivet: 2007-04-25, 07:43:53 »
Intressant :)

Så vill man ha poäng så är det till att hålla samman gruppen och sitta som en ryggsäck på sin gruppledare   :flirt

Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is; never try.

Utloggad hinken

  • Very Old Bucket
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  • Going post(al)
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  • Antal inlägg: 4 494
SV: Project Reality poängräkning
« Svar #2 skrivet: 2007-04-25, 09:40:54 »
japp.. vad som än händer - håll dig nära gruppchefen. Du får dessutom 25% bonus har jag för mig.

Intressant poäng:

Kill enemy player: 4 points
Capture flag: 32 points ! (16+8+8) + 8 points för ev. försvar av flaggan.


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